Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stoddert Update 9/23

The Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, September 23, to update the community, and receive community input, on the ongoing renovation of Stoddert Elementary.

The meeting will take place at the temporary Stoddert trailers -- "Stoddert East" - from 6:30 to 7:30 on Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Baby Stroller Happy Hour

Don't forget happy hour (kids not required) at Blue Ridge on Thursday from 5-7. Specials on the back patio!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bad Circulation

This just popped up on the glover park listserv. Anyone who reads this might consider writing in, as well as raising at the next GPCA meeting:

Originally posted at:

September 14, 2009...10:00 am

Circulator to No Longer Ascend Wisconsin?

On Friday, Jennifer Altemus, President of CAG, sent out an alert on the possibility that DDOT/WMATA are considering the possibility of cutting Circulator service up Wisconsin Ave. This was the first GM heard of the proposal, but the proposal has a strong bit of deja vu surrounding it. Right now the Circulator travels along M St. from downtown, turns up Wisconsin Ave., and ends its route at Whitehaven St., just behind the British School. This was not always the route it took through Georgetown. Originally it entered Georgetown on K St., took a right up Wisconsin, and turned back to downtown at M St. In May 2007, the Circulator was extended up Wisconsin to its current route to take over the Blue Bus’s Foggy Bottom route. In less than a year after this extension, DDOT was already floating plans to cut it (despite the fact that the Blue Bus route it replaced was cut once the extension took place). After strong pushback from the community, DDOT decided to keep the extension. Around the same time that DDOT was considering cutting the Circulator route, WMATA was cutting the 30 Series service through Georgetown. It was partially in consideration of the effect the changes to the 30 Series had to bus service through Georgetown that DDOT decided not to cut the Circulator service. Yet here they (apparently) are, back again considering to cut bus service up Wisconsin Ave. For some reason DDOT just can’t give up the dream of cutting Circulator service up Wisconsin. This is a bad idea. Georgetowners have lost a lot of downtown service since the 30 series changes. With the re-opening of a more street-friendly and vibrant Social Safeway only 8-10 months away, cutting the Circulator to its door would be counter-productive. Finally, with the long-term proposal of adding a bus lane to Wisconsin, it seems short sighted to cut bus service on the corridor. If bottlenecks are arising, targeted removal of parking along Wisconsin Ave. would be the better option to significant service reduction. If anything, the Circulator should be extended up Wisconsin to Calvert to cater to Glover Park. In recent years, Glover Park has emerged as a destination neighborhood despite its distance to the Metro and lack of abundant parking. Adding service from the successful Circulator route would be immensely popular, in GM’s opinion. If you agree with GM, please write to DDOT (, the Mayor (, and Jack Evan’s office ( to object to this unnecessary and unfair service cut.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


My wife and I just walked past the Berleith Flea Market. How come we don't have one of those? Lord knows I have enough stuff I'd like to sell for a dollar!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Stoddert School Events

From the Stoddert web site: (

September 12 | Message from Dr. Cuthbert
Hi Parents,
It will be great to see you Thursday night, September 17, 2009, for Back-to-School night. The PTA will have their first general meeting from 6:30 p.m. – 7:25 p.m. in the multi-purpose room/cafeteria. All are encouraged to attend.
At the beginning of the meeting, we will introduce the Stoddert staff, explain some new roles, briefly share goals and expectations for this school year, excuse the teachers to their rooms, and then the main agenda of the PTA meeting will begin. From 7:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., the teachers will be in their rooms for the first session to greet you and explain their curricula and classroom activities. To accommodate families with children in other grade levels, the teachers will make a second presentation from 8:05 p.m. to 8:35 p.m. Please know that this is not individual teacher conference time, and the teachers will need to leave right after their second presentation to prepare for the next day’s instruction. Individual conferences can be scheduled with individual teachers as needed.
As you know, the third-, fourth-, and fifth-graders took the DC BAS tests this week. Results will be used to inform instruction and group children for skill development and enhancement. On Sept. 14, students in Kindergarten through third grade will start taking the DIEBELS assessments. These results will also inform instruction. Pre-K teachers are also establishing baselines to measure growth.
September 18, 2009, is a professional development day for teachers. Please be reminded, there is no school for students. The teachers will be trained on their evaluation system that is tied to the DCPS Teaching and Learning initiative. The essence of this system-wide initiative is utilizing best practices to ensure learning environments conducive to high achievement.
Hope to see you (and meet you, if I have not yet done so) at Back-to-School night!
Dr. Marjorie Cuthbert

Friday, September 11, 2009

Latest from the Glover Park Farmer's Market

This is the latest e-mail from DCGreens/Glover Park Farmer's Market -

Hope to see you there tomorrow.

This week at the Glover Park-Burleith Farmers' Market:

*Free chair massages with Alison Alleva (massage therapist from Spiral Flight) 10 am-1 pm

*Bluegrass music with Andrew Acosta & Jon Kaparakis

* 16 vendors with fruit, veggies, meat, eggs, flowers, cheese, bread and more.

So far, my favorite compliment from a patron has been "this is how a farmers' market should feel."

We only have 4 more markets left in the 2009 season! If you haven't checked it out yet, now's your chance. If you've already made it a part of your Saturday routine, see you there...

9 am - 1 pm, Hardy Middle School parking lot on Wisconsin Avenue (across from Safeway). Dogs are welcome!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What are YOU prepared to do about it

I am struck by how many of the people I meet in Glover Park:

1) Love the neighborhood;
2) Have great ideas for how to improve the neighborhood; and yet
3) Are not members of and do not attend the Glover Park Citizens Association.

The GPCA is the most direct and democratic way to get involved and support the GP neighborhood. The group meets on the first Tuesday of every month and is a wonderful way to meet and get to know your neighbors, learn about what is going on in the local area, and to get involved in the growth, development, preservation and future direction of our terrific little slice of DC.

I hope everyone who lives in the area will consider coming to the meetings, becoming a member and get more involved in sharing their ideas and energy to the GPCA. A link to the Association, past editions of the Gazette and other useful links can be found on the right hand column of the blog.